Let us stand in solidarity with all the bereaved and the brave people on the anniversary of Jina Mahsa Amini

On the anniversary of Zhina Mahsa Amini's killing, which sparked widespread protests, the people of Iran stand in solidarity with her family and the families of all the protesters who lost their lives during the "Woman, Life, Freedom" uprising and subsequently in the prisons of the regime. They will continue to commemorate this historic day and honor the memory of those who gave their lives in the struggle for freedom and democracy.

The importance of the continuity of people's struggles on this day symbolizes unity and alignment in the fight for the establishment of democracy, freedom, and a democratic republic. On this day, the significance of autonomy for ethnic nationalities becomes especially prominent, highlighting the connection between different ethnic groups such as Turks, Kurds, Baluchs, Arabs, and others, creating a nationwide dimension to the effort.

We, as the political parties within the "Broad Solidarity for Freedom and Equality in Iran" and the "Congress of Federal Nationalities In Iran," call on all freedom fighters, advocates of democracy, and supporters of the separation of religion and state to organize commemorative demonstrations and events wherever they may be, inside Iran or abroad, to immortalize the "Woman, Life, Freedom" movement in the memory of the Iranian people. We, too, will strive to actively participate in the protests and ceremonies held on this occasion.

Broad Solidarity for Freedom and Equality in Iran
Congress of Federal Nationalities for Iran

September 14, 2024