The Energy Crisis, Air Pollution, and Widespread Shutdowns in Major Iranian Cities

In recent days, Iranian people have witnessed the shutdown of many major cities across Iran under the pretext of air pollution. However, evidence suggests that the real crisis lies in energy mismanagement, structural inefficiencies, and a full-blown economic collapse that the Islamic Republic of Iran's government is trying to conceal.

Ms. Shina Ansari, recently appointed as the head of the regime’s Department of Environment under the Pezeshkian administration, had previously assured that, with the president's approval, efforts to address air pollution and the energy crisis would involve ending the use of mazut in power plants.

She admitted that this measure might result in more frequent power outages. However, like many other promises, this one proved to be empty. Power outages increased dramatically, yet mazut burning resumed just a week after the announcement and continues unabated.

With air inversion phenomena and rising levels of pollutants, air quality in many cities has now reached extremely hazardous levels, and widespread power outages have also intensified. These dual crises clearly highlight the government's mismanagement and policy failures. Notably, according to official statistics, around 50,000 Iranians lose their lives annually due to air pollution in various regions of the country. Alongside the deaths, the side effects of this deadly phenomenon include an increase in various diseases.

The energy crisis in Iran, manifesting today in city shutdowns, blackouts, and air pollution, is merely one symptom of the regime’s systemic failures. Meanwhile, the nation’s economy continues its freefall, as foreign currency prices skyrocket to unprecedented levels. The U.S. dollar and gold coin prices have hit new records, further exacerbating economic pressure on the Iranian people. Runaway inflation, soaring prices of basic goods, and growing poverty paint a clear picture of the failure of a government that once claimed to "manage the world."

Shutting down cities under the pretext of air pollution is not a solution to the ongoing crises. Instead, it underscores the regime's deep failures in managing resources, the economy, and policy-making. Today, our country requires fundamental changes to escape this destructive cycle. After 45 years of the Islamic regime’s rule in Iran, the only viable solution to the myriad challenges—including environmental, energy, economic, and livelihood issues—is the overthrow of the current regime and the establishment of a democratic system free of discrimination and inequality by the people of Iran.

Congress of Federal Nationalities for Iran
Broad Solidarity for Freedom and Equality in Iran

December 22, 2024