Call for a Collaborative Effort,
Memorandum of Understanding
Our country has endured over four decades of oppression under the rule of the Islamic regime of Iran. Today, amidst widespread and resolute struggles for freedom, emancipation, and the realization of fundamental rights across all spheres of life, we—political organizations, movements, and parties with diverse social perspectives and political backgrounds—have united to embark on a collective initiative based on the following Memorandum of Understanding.
We consider this preliminary step as a foundation for building a broad coalition, and we will spare no effort in achieving this aim. We emphasize the necessity of a wide-ranging alliance to establish democracy, a republican system, and federalism in Iran, grounded in values such as tolerance, pluralism, the separation of religion and state, adherence to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, and the peaceful coexistence of all democratic political spectra and orientations. In steadfast support of the continuation and expansion of civic, democratic protest movements in Iran, and in solidarity with the struggles of the Iranian people, we extend an invitation to democratic and republican parties, organizations, and groups that align with the principles outlined in this document to join in cooperation for the overthrow of the Islamic regime of Iran.
Shared Principles of Cooperation
A. Following a century of relentless struggle for freedom and social justice, the establishment of people’s sovereignty, the institutionalization of democracy, and the creation of a free, advanced, and modern Iran free from all forms of gender, ethnic, and religious discrimination, Iran remains trapped under an authoritarian regime. The Iranian people are systematically deprived of their fundamental rights, including political, social, and labor freedoms, as well as legal and social security.
Discrimination against women, who constitute half of the population, is enshrined in the official policies of the Islamic Republic of Iran. Intellectuals, writers, artists, academics, students, workers, and individuals of diverse gender identities face continuous threats and attacks. Workers, teachers, university staff, and other contributors to society’s economic and intellectual wealth are denied essential rights to a dignified standard of living and the formation of independent unions. Ethnic discrimination persists in brutal forms against the diverse nationalities residing in Iran. The Islamic Republic of Iran continues to suppress legitimate ethnic and national demands with violence and coercion. The Constitution of the Islamic Republic and its power structures are founded on discrimination, the amalgamation of religion and state, hostility to freedom, and opposition to modernity. Citizens are denied sovereignty over their own destiny, and human rights are systematically and egregiously violated.
The Islamic Republic of Iran, in its entirety, is irreparable. Within its framework, none of the democratic aspirations of the Iranian people can be realized. Therefore, the overthrow of this regime, the dissolution of its repressive judicial, legislative, and executive institutions, and the abrogation of undemocratic laws are prerequisites for establishing a republican system grounded in democracy, the separation of religion and state, and respect for human rights.
B. The struggle against the Iranian regime has persisted since its inception. Tens of thousands of freedom fighters and advocates for social justice have lost their lives over the past forty-five years in the fight against the ruling autocracy.
For four decades, the people have consistently expressed dissatisfaction in various forms and have, at times, mobilized in the millions to voice their disdain for the regime’s undemocratic, unjust, and discriminatory policies. The broad-based movements that emerged during the 2010s culminated in the nationwide "Zhina" movement last year, encapsulated by the slogan "Woman, Life, Freedom."
This revolutionary uprising, which originated in Kurdistan and quickly spread to other regions, continues with ongoing protests, such as the Friday Demonstrations of Zahedan. These protests keep alive the torch of "Woman, Life, Freedom," shaking the foundations of theocratic despotism and earning global admiration. This movement represents the longest, most extensive freedom-seeking initiative by the Iranian people in the past forty-four years, targeting the very core of the Islamic regime. The confrontation between the overwhelming majority of the population and the government has reached a point of no return.
C. Over the past four decades, freedom loving people, leftists, democrats, and republicans have struggled against the Islamic Republic through diverse programs and strategies, under different banners. However, experience has shown that the effectiveness of these forces in shaping political transformations and building a democratic republican alternative is limited without cooperation and joint action. Today, advancing the movement depends more critically than ever on collaboration and coordinated efforts.
We, the undersigned organizations and parties to this agreement, with differing programs, social perspectives, and political backgrounds, share a commitment to fostering a broad alliance of democratic republicans. This alliance aims to establish democracy in Iran based on the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and its protocols, championing values such as tolerance, pluralism, the separation of religion and state, and the peaceful coexistence of all democratic political orientations. Recognizing the civil, democratic, and peaceful character of the people’s protest movement, we regard this initial agreement as a crucial step toward achieving a comprehensive republican alliance in Iran.
Our Common Agenda
1. Establishing a democratic system in the form of a parliamentary republic, characterized by the separation of religion and state, the separation of powers, political pluralism, direct popular elections for all government institutions, and adherence to the principle of power alternation. We emphasize that the people’s vote is the sole source of legitimacy for governance.
2. Acknowledging that Iran is a multi-national country composed of Baluch, Turk, Turkmen, Arab, Persian, Kurdish, Lurish, and other linguistic and cultural groups, and religious minorities. Recognition of the national-democratic rights and self-determination of these communities is essential. A unified Iran requires replacing the centralized authoritarian system of the past century with a decentralized, federal, and democratic political system.
3. Ensuring the separation of religion and state and guaranteeing freedom of thought, religion, and belief.
4. Securing political freedoms, democratic rights, and civil liberties for all citizens, including freedom of thought, expression, media, lifestyle, political activity, and the formation of civic and labor organizations. 5. Guaranteeing equal rights for all citizens, regardless of gender, religion, ethnicity, language, or creed.
6. Upholding and guaranteeing the rights and freedoms enshrined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and its protocols.
7. Abolishing the death penalty and all forms of punishment that violate human dignity and integrity.
8. Ensuring full gender equality, abolishing all forms of gender discrimination, implementing the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women, and providing the necessary legal guarantees for women’s empowerment in all aspects of life.
9. Belief in and adherence to "environmental justice" and the defense of the environment across Iran—ranging from soil, forests, water, and air to the prevention of the production of nuclear, biological, and chemical weapons in Iran—is essential. Any policy or factor that leads to environmental destruction is considered against sustainable development and the interests of all nationalities in Iran. Given the reality that the current prevailing methods of exploiting nature and its resources, as well as lack of access to environmental rights, have resulted in irreparable destruction and damage, it is imperative to end these practices and prevent further harm. This can be achieved through implementing fundamental policies and actions aimed at restoring environmental infrastructure, especially by nationalizing all parts of nature that have been privatized and restricted from the people of Iran. This is among the most important prerequisites for a true democracy based on balanced and sustainable future development.
10. Strengthening the foundations of democracy in the country and maintaining the historical coexistence of its elements necessitate the provision and guarantee of equal rights for the nationalities of Iran and ethnic groups residing in a united, democratic, and decentralized Iran. These rights should be ensured in national, political, economic, and social domains. Respecting and recognizing the rights of nationalities and supporting their cultural and linguistic diversity benefit the growth and consolidation of various cultural identities. This is one of the essential requirements of a democratic governance system based on a decentralized federal structure. Teaching and education in native languages, on par with Persian as the communicative language across the country, are among the urgent and essential measures for the democratic governance of the people of Iran.
11. Defending the struggles of women, workers, teachers, and other wage earners, retirees, peasants, and other hardworking individuals, and supporting their social movements and rightful demands for improving working and living conditions, ensuring a humane livelihood, and achieving social justice. Providing equal opportunities for all to access housing, healthcare, education, employment, culture, and social insurance.
12. Establishing Iran's political relations with all countries based on mutual respect, acceptance of the principle of the Iranian people's sovereignty, national interests, and the preservation of global peace. We oppose foreign intervention in matters related to the Iranian people's right to self-determination and the creation of alternatives by external forces.
13. Garnering international solidarity and pressuring the Islamic Republic to address human rights violations, while supporting the democratic aspirations of the Iranian people.
14. Opposing extremism, violence, and terrorism in all forms.
15. Recognizing the rights of citizens to protest, strike, and organize
civil resistance as integral to democratic freedoms.
Signatories of the coalition “Broad Solidarity for Freedom and Equality in Iran” (in alphabetical order):
-Assembly of the Democratic and Lay Republican Movement -Federal of Iran
-Azerbaijan Democratic Party ( Iran)
-Baluchistan People’s Party
-Baluchistan United Front-Iran (F R)
-Council of Socialist Libertarians
-Cultural and political organization of Türkmensahra
-Democratic Solidarity Party of Al Ahwaz
-Green Party of Iran
-Komleh Toilers of Iran
-Kurdistan Democratic Party of Iran
-Republican solidarity organization to overthrow the Islamic Republic of Iran
-The Provisonal Council of the Iranian Left Socialists
-The United Bakhtiary&Lorestan Party
-Union of People’s Fedaian of Iran